Real superheroes live in the hearts of small children fighting big battles
Luke, Age 18
honored hero
(dodgeball tournament)
Luke was diagnosed with 3 stage 3 Hodgkin's Lymphoma in November of his junior year. He went through intensive chemotherapy and radiation. Just 3 months later, the cancer returned. Going into his senior year Luke played football while fighting cancer and undergoing treatment. He recently had a stem cell transplant and is now cancer free! this May 2023. She was our honored hero last year.

Rosie was our 2022 Hero. She is so loving and loves to be around her family, friends and favorite nurses. She loves all Toy Story things. Her favorite thing is listening to music. Especially Nicki Minaj. Her favorite color is pink and she loves to color and paint. Her favorite time is spent with her sisters and grandparents

Margo was diagnosed with a Wilms Tumor this May 2023. She was our honored hero last year.
Our incredible 2021 Hero, Hannah, is 19 years old. She courageously battled Lymphoma and is loving life as a student at Penn State!

He is a true warrior and a NixCancer hero!
Diagnosis: Neuroblastoma
Fun Fact:He loved traveling and loved everything about Disney. His favorites were Legos, Xbox, TDM & Mario Brothers. He was a fighter and an amazing brother who lived life to the fullest. Nico was diagnosed with neuroblastoma in 2010. He fought with so much courage and always had a smile on his face. Nico earned his wings in July of 2017

Age: 16
Diagnosis: Ependymoblastoma
(current: shows No Evidence of Disease)
Fun Fact: Luca loves fried chicken, fried shrimp and bacon! He loves to play with his sister, his dog Penny, and video games.

Age: 8
Diagnosis: Ectomesenchymoma
Fun Fact:We are happy to say that Nathan has been in remission for 3 1/2 years!!! Here he is celebrating his 7th birthday in Disney! Nathan loves Star Wars, YouTube and football, mainly the Eagles.

Age: 16
Diagnosis: AML Leukemia
Fun Fact: Ethan was our 2021 Hero. He needs your thoughts and prayers as he recently relapsed and currently in treatment at CHOP. Ethan will be receiving a bone marrow transplant on August 19th.

Age: 3
Diagnosis: Rhabdomyosarcoma
Fun Fact:She loves to play with her sister and is obsessed with the Blessed Mother.
Age: 11
Diagnosis: PNET (Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor)
Fun Fact: Shawn loves going to Merrymead Farm every year w/ family & friends. Here’s a recent picture of him!

Age: 8
Diagnosis: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Fun Fact: Beckett is 7 years old & a lover of bugs . He wants to be an entomologist when he grows up!

Age: 12
Diagnosis: Neuroblastoma
Fun Fact: Avery loves to play Roblox and loves puppies! When she grows up, she wants to be a CEO of Disney or an imaginary….she loves inventing things and creating stuff!